个个: each and every one; all都: capital全都: all; completely; without exc ...个个都勇敢: all are not hunters that blow the horn这些战士个个都很漂亮: each and every one of these soldiers has proved his met这些战士个个都是好样的: each and every one of these soldiers has proved his mettle全都: all; completely; without exception 并不全都吃喝玩乐 not all beer and skittles; 并不是人人全都能做。 not everybody can do it. 去年栽的树全都活了。 all the trees planted last year have survived. 我的朋友并不全都吸烟。 all my friends do not smoke个个: each and every one; all 这些战士个个都是好样的。 each and every one of these soldiers has proved his mettle人家全组个个都是好样的咱们得向人家学习: everyone in their group is a good worker we ought to learn from them两个都: both… and; bothand; both…and全都懂: br /186.understand all; understand all人人,全都: one and all个个的: individual并非两个都: not both=both not即又,两个都: bothand既…又…,两个都: both…and两个都,既……又: both ... and一个都不留: and then there were none一个都不中: gravelly clay全都错了: all wrong全都见鬼去: all gone to hell全都起来: everybody get up全都失掉: better master one than engage with ten全都是为她: all for the love of girl全都是我们: it's all about us